Our energy prices are changing
We recognise the rising cost of your energy may be difficult and we’re here to provide support to our customers. This page has all the important information about our price changes.
How can we support our customers?
We’re here to inform you. We’ll always work hard to make sure our customers can make informed decisions about their energy, and we’re committed to giving you the important info in the clearest way possible.
We’re here to support you. If you’re having trouble paying your Powershop energy bills – for any reason – please get in touch so we can help.
We’re here to give you options. We’ve got tools to help you better understand and control your usage and budget, like our app and online portal.
We’re here to answer questions. Changing prices can be a bit confusing but we’re here to help explain. If this page doesn’t answer your question, reach out and we’ll be here to help.
Why are Super Solar usage and supply prices and feed-in tariff rates changing?
Our energy price changes are due to a number of factors, including our costs associated with managing wholesale energy and other costs of providing energy to customers.
Our solar feed-in tariff is decreasing because the value of the solar energy exported to the grid is lower, due to higher levels of supply during the day (when most solar exports happen).
Am I better off on the new Super Solar prices compared to other plans?
The Super Solar plan offers a more competitive feed-in tariff rate than Powershop’s other generally available energy plans, such as Power House and Power Offset. However, the Super Solar plan energy prices are not the lowest usage and supply prices we currently offer.
You need to assess the energy usage and supply prices and the value of the higher feed-in tariff when considering if this is the most suitable plan for you. We encourage you to find the most suitable Powershop plan here.
You can also find out whether other energy plans in the market may suit you by accessing the Australian government energy price comparison service - https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/.
You are free to switch to another retailer at any time while on the Super Solar plan.
Can customers still join Powershop and take a Super Solar plan?
The Super Solar plan has not been available to any new or existing customers since 13 November 2023.
Having trouble paying your bill?
There’s a whole range of things we can do to help out – including setting up a payment arrangement that fits your situation, and making sure you’re getting any government concessions, rebates or grants you’re entitled to. Here are some examples of ways we can help:
flexible and extended payment arrangements
tailored payment plans
relief offers
hardship program
info on government and non-government assistance programs
info and tools to help you lower your energy usage.
If you’re struggling to pay your Powershop energy bills – for any reason – don’t keep it to yourself; email us at paymenthelp@powershop.com.au or call 1800 515 313.
Frequently asked questions
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Compare electricity and gas deals and see all of the other details you need to know. To sign up online, visit our plans page.